Car Leaking Water Inspection: Causes and Solutions
Our mobile mechanics bring the shop to you 7 days a week.
Our mobile mechanics bring the shop to you 7 days a week.
We perform over 600 repair and maintenance services including oil changes, brakes, diagnostics, belts and hoses, and more. The best part? We come to you with all the necessary tools and parts.
How can I tell if the leak is dangerous?
If the liquid is colored, has a smell, or your dashboard lights indicate an issue, it’s likely a problem that requires immediate attention.
How much does a diagnostic inspection cost?
All our diagnostic inspections cost between R 600.00 and R 1000.00 depending on which area of the province you are located in and will include 1 hours of labour. Remember, you can find and book the inspections to match your car’s problem in the Inspections section on It’s super simple and quick; just put in your location and follow the instructions.
Can a water leak cause engine damage?
Yes, if it’s related to your cooling system or engine seals. Addressing leaks promptly is critical.